Saturday, August 31, 2019

Counterproductive Effects in Rewards and Motivation

When employing, retention and parting signify intricate, long term and multi- layered dealings rather than a Counterproductive Effects in Rewards and Motivation simple market deal, employees and employers will be principally careful to avoid entering the relationship with an inappropriate partner but, in speedily moving economic and industrial environments it is rational that a firm's employment needs will be changing too. In this situation, a guarantee of long-term employment would be extremely expensive if the firm is not able to reallocate workers to new tasks as the requirements rose.So, Counterproductive Effects in Rewards and Motivation for employees, surviving and been considered by the firm as a valued component in these conditions becomes a personal challenge, especially if these employees' performance is compared with others' using subjective evaluation systems based not only in performance and results, but also in perceptions and Image. Human Wealth refers to the knowledge and acquired skills; a person has to upsurge his or her ability to conduct activities with economic value. Human Wealth is most often acquired by knowledge on through teaching by others who already have the necessary skills.It is the factor that differentiates raw labor power from skilled expertise at some task or job and as a crucial determinant of productivity. Today's companies' true strength resides in their Human Capital so, an impulse to improve the human development into the organizations becomes crucial to guarantee its survival in this highly competitive world. It is necessary that top & middle management perform a deep auto critic of their attitudes in order to look, find and sustain that motivation that worries us. It is useful to distinguish between firm-specific and general-purpose (or non-specific) Human Capital.Skills and knowledge that increases the person's productivity when working for any of several different employers represents general-purpose Human Capital, an d normally, a firm is unlikely to help pay this kind of tuition. On the other hand, firm-specific Human Capital, like knowledge of the firm's specific accounting system, machines or procedures. It might seem worthwhile for an employer to invest in worker's firm-specific Human Capital.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Sociological Imagination-the Sociological Big Picture

Sociological Imagination-â€Å"The Sociological Big Picture† C. Wright Mills wanted people to know that outside of ourselves and our personal problems, we are being shaped by the external forces that surround us in society. Whether people are aware of it or not, they are being influenced by society and its factors. The location in which one lives, the nation’s current economic standing, government affiliation, and more are all effecting people in some way.When living in a broadened social experience where things are all interconnected to one another, it has the power and potential of influencing our human behaviors and impulses that are not internally inherited as Mills suggests, but rather shaped by society. The location where a person lives helps bring meaning and shape the ideas of social acceptabilities. For example, in the Amazon basin of South America the Yanomamo Indians see very differently than people of America.This primitive tribe find normalcy among hallucin ogenic yopo trips, villages where peoples attire are loin cloths, and a society composed of hunters and gatherers. Whereas Americans who are surrounded by urbanization, consumerism, materialism and so on may find the Yanomamo way of living off-putting. Also, the nations economy can affect citizens like after keeping 350,000 students out of school for seven days, teachers in Chicago are ending their strike after some negotiation.The Chicago Teachers Union battling for their rights about their job security, teacher abilities, salary raises, and more. Union president, Karen Lewis, after not being able to reach compromise the first time a few days prior, has now settled on an official contract. Though the near from perfect contract still needs ratification, union members agree â€Å"It was time to end the strike† said Lewis who’s rights to petition and peacefully assembly helped union members and the Chicago’s delegates reach a settlement.Chinese artist, internet bl ogger, and activist, Ai Weiwei was detained by the Chinese government after trying to find the names of the thousands of victims lost in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake; which authorities were refusing to give out to civilians. This only fueled his dislike of the Chinese government, which he had a tendency to expose in his blogs and artwork. In China where the internet is monitored heavily by the state, unlike other places around the world, often Weiwei’s political opinions of China’s autocracy became censored.After three months of detention, Weiwei was released on bail. When society can influence people, one must be willing to pull themselves away from a narcissistic point of view and adapt to a perspective where you are able to evaluate the â€Å"sociological big picture†. Building a sociological imagination can create within oneself the ability to truly see what others see and why people act the way they do whether it be stone age indians, claimant mobs, or dissi dent artists: we are all shaped by society.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Reconstruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Reconstruction - Essay Example There were many challenges in the period trying to safeguard rights for African Americans leading to passage of various Acts and constitutional Amendments to guide the process. However, the aim of this paper is to compare the presidential and congressional Reconstruction and to develop a 3-point plan for Reconstruction which would have been more successful than the other plans. The main difference between presidential and congress plans was that the presidential plans were very lenient to the confederates contrary to what Radical Republicans expected. The Congressional Acts and Amendments were very stringent aimed at punishing the rebel states and especially the people in high ranks during the war. The 10% plan by Lincoln entailed pardoning those who swore allegiance to the union as well as the US constitution (Franklin 16). New governments were to be formed using new constitution and abolishment of slavery was a necessity for readmission to the union. Just like Lincoln, Johnson†™s plan was even more lenient. It involved pardoning those who took loyalty oaths except high ranking confederate political and military leaders (Ferrell 27). Though Republican and a Southerner by birth, Johnson loathed the wealthy planters as he believed they are the ones who led the secession of south. Those with property worth more than $ 20,000 were thus not allowed to take loyalty oaths and this meant they couldn’t hold public offices or vote. However, he did not address the plight of Freedmen giving room for southerners to establish Black Codes to limit black rights. Those states which created new governments were readmitted to the union on condition that they abolished slavery. The congressional plan was very radical. Republicans wanted to confiscate land of rebels and divide it among the Freedmen and the Freedmen bureau was entrusted with that task. The congress also refused to accept those elected from former confederate states in the congress especially former hig h ranking officers. The congress unlike Johnson was bent on securing rights and citizenship for former slaves thus passed the Civil Rights Act in 1866 that gave blacks equality under the law and due process of law. It also extended the life of Freedmen’s Bureau and overturned the Black Codes. To further black rights, the congress entrenched these rights in the constitution by passing the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the constitution. Fourteenth Amendment gave citizenship to freedmen, equal protection of law and due process of law. It was passed in 1868 and stated â€Å"all persons born or naturalized in the U.S and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of U.S and of state wherein they reside† (Foner 251). The Fifteenth Amendment of 1870 gave blacks suffrage and stated â€Å"the right of citizens to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the US or by any state on account race, color, or previous condition of servitude† (Ferrell 41). However , it did not guarantee voting as states could still deny blacks right to vote based on other criteria such as poll tax. Besides, gangs like Ku Klux Klan could not allow to them to vote thus unleashed terror on them. States had to ratify both amendments to be readmitted to the union. Besides the two amendments, the congress also devised Reconstruction Acts in 1867 to act as its plan for Reconstruction. Under these four acts, the remaining ten former confederate states which had not ratified the fourteenth Amendment

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Health disparities Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health disparities - Research Paper Example I come from a nuclear family of six. I have two sisters and one brother all of whom are college graduates and are athletes. My father and mother have been married for twenty eight years. My father works in real estate and my mother is a teacher in an elementary school. I embrace black history and the African American culture (Andrews et. al., 2010). An artifact of my personal culture of origin is the preparation of food by deep frying and seasoning food with ham, ham hocks, or gravy. Many of the rites of my personal culture of origin revolve around food. Our cherished food called soul food is made of ribs, cornbread, fried pork chops, and chicken. Many people from my culture have a liking for butter, pork fat and salt as a flavour. Whereas these foods are good and we love them, they contain high amount of fat and sodium chloride that are associated with obesity and arthritis. Undeniably, people from my culture are fond of dining out and I would agree with studies that claim that we dine out two or more times weekly. Whereas this habit is desired and observed by many even from outside my culture, when we dine out, we take less serving of vegetables and fruits. The fast foods we take from fast food restaurants are associated with high calories and low essential micronutrients. This is one of the factors that have been cited in ex plaining the high statistics of African American people struggling excessive weight gain (Karmeen & Kulkarni, 2004). Generally, most African Americans get at least three children. This has an advantage of providing the family members of an African American family with familial support that is good for esteem and health. A large family size is good for health especially in terms of providing care to each other even when ailing. Despite this advantage, a large family size contributes to reduced nutritional care especially in light of the generally low socioeconomic status of many African Americans. This taxes the quality of health of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Facilities Operations and Management Assignment

Facilities Operations and Management - Assignment Example The researcher states that through the exploration of the responsibilities of the facility’s manager, the reader will be presented with a practical understanding to the myriad of responsibilities and the activities that are covered in the management of restaurant chains. Through the exploration of the responsibilities of the manager of the facility, more light will also be shed to the issues, concerns and the practical aspects of the manager, in supporting the business, towards making it profitable and improving its profitability. Through the review of the four main areas identified, the paper will point out the management best practices employed by a facility in the hotel and hospitality industry, aimed at creating a sustainable competitive advantage. The main importance of managing a facility effectively is that it enables it to keep its best employees and to satisfy its customers; the two groups are the most important stakeholders in a business. The first major role of a fa cility’s manager in a hotel is that of acting as the standard bearer for the hotel business. The roles covered under this area of responsibility include communication, promotion, facilitating performance and maintaining the different aspects of the staffs of the facility. This area of responsibility requires the (facility) hotel manager to practice management by objectives, where he/ she employ a performance appraisal system characterized by a variety of traits. The first trait is that of taking the actions and completing the documents that help to evaluate the performance of staffs, with the aim of improving it, reducing the challenges they face and improving their satisfaction within the workplace.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Course Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Course Project - Essay Example When demand and supply situation in a country is unfavorable to the employers, they would prefer to compromise and give training to the available personnel rather than spend time and resources in search of ‘ideal match’, to avoid production loss. Gronau stated: â€Å"Since the length of service is directly related to the level of unemployment, one would expect wage demands (and hence the change in general wage rate) and unemployment to be inversely related† (290). If the pace of economic growth is robust, the increase in demand mitigates the effects of frictional unemployment in general. Development of transferable skills by a person could ensure transfers within the same company to other departments or make change of job easier and counseling facilities need to be strengthened. Uniformity in dissemination of information with regard to the jobs available, the attributes necessary and the experience required in relation to them is very important for proper understa nding in identifying the appropriate opportunities without any difficulty. Though the standardization could not be achieved completely in this respect in view of multiplicity of disciplines, grades and specialization, common parameters relating to jobs in a particular category acceptable to most of the employers or industry associations and understandable by majority of the workers would improve the situation considerably. In most of the cases relocation choices are not fully explored both by the employers or employees to the disadvantage of both. Moving cost to the employee and recruitment and training cost to the employer play an important role in making strategic management decisions. If the views of the employer and employee converge in this respect, solution could be reached easily. Diamond stated that â€Å"[t]he rate at which workers are offered jobs with different moving costs depends on the decisions of other workers as to which

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Apple E-book Antitrust Lawsuit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Apple E-book Antitrust Lawsuit - Essay Example They forced the Amazon to increase the e-books prices on the rival kindle. The five publishers were HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Penguin, Hachette, and Macmillan. HarperCollins, Hachette, and Simon & Schuster (owned by CBS) have cleared with the department of justice. Macmillan and Apple have declined to negotiate (Banks 127). They have said that they never colluded in the increase of the e-books prices. The publishers had already complained that the $9.99 price for e-books set by the Amazon was greatly discounted. This was before the introduction of the iPad and the iBookstore. After the iPads were unveiled into the market, Apple prices were set at $12.99 together with a Californian-based company (Cupertino).This allowed publishers to set the ‘agency model’, which was the individual prices for companies. Amazon took an immediate action to allow publishers to set their own prices too. This rose up the digital edition prices (Banks 129). The major allegations toward A pple Company are that it facilitated the collective efforts of the publishers to terminate retail price competition because it encouraged the agency model among the retailers. According to the CNN money report, the conspiracy was first alleged in a class action lawsuit in California District Court by kindle consumers during last summer. They argued that booksellers were terrified by the discounted price of the e-book structure launched by Amazon in 2007 (Ceruzzi 415). The department of justice could lose the e-book antitrust suit while targeting the Apple Company. The alleged suit stretches the antitrust law and could probably end in defeat. In 1982, embarrassed department of justice confessed its antitrust lawsuit against IBM.It abandoned the case because the case was â€Å"without merit† (Ceruzzi 437). In 2001, Microsoft Company had been divided into two different companies by a federal appeal court because of the department ambition to formulate the antitrust law. Accordin g to Geoffrey Manne, a lecturer at the Lewis and Clark School in Oregon, the case is harder against Apple than the publishers. As stated in the (justice department complaint 36), Apple was not present at the breakfast meeting at the London hotel and dinners at the Manhattan’s posh Picholine restaurant. He also said that it is not good for competing firms to meet without the presence of lawyers (Ellig 270). Other than Apple, the justice department has a better case against publishers. Dominick Armentamo; a professor in economics at Hartford University argued that the chief executive officers of the publisher who met at the hotel rooms to discuss the price changes can also settle the prices. According to Richard Epstein, a legal scholar and a law professor at the University of NewYork, there are difficulties in the department of justice case against the publishers because it will take time to hear the whole case. He says that the charge is a mistake. The attorney general (Eric Holder) accused the defendants to the case of creating a â€Å"conspiracy.† The version of events used by Holder did not blame the publishers on the agreement toward specified prices. If in any case they agreed on something, it was on the agency model. It meant that Apple’s iBookstore was better as compared to the wholesale model (Page and Lopata 340). Apple and other publishers had benefited from the serial precedents of the supreme court of the United States as from 1970s.This is the issue that the department of

I think that pornography is harmful to a couples relationship Essay

I think that pornography is harmful to a couples relationship - Essay Example In today’s world of technology where everything has gone cyber, all multimedia including pornography is available on the internet easily accessible around the world and has become part and parcel of people’s sexual lives especially youngsters. I would strongly recommend all couples to accept this notion to be a healthy part of their relationships and, in case of any difference of opinions, to discuss openly about this agenda and give it a try to experience the fruitful outcome it generates between them. Through ages, surveys have been conducted to determine whether pornography is harmful for a relationship and what effects it produces for a couple. Consequently, researchers have identified few established facts about the aftereffects of watching pornography by a couple, individually or together. If we see in terms of collectively watching it, we come across two major advantages it provides as explained in a lecture by Mr. Chen: It contributes to the learning and sexual knowledge of couple. They can educate by identifying new exciting activities and ways to physically mate with one’s partner. They can know new ways to stimulate the partner and about the dos and don’ts during sex. It also adds to their chemistry by enhancing the intimacy and ecstasy between them in bed. Couples tend to get bored soon due to repetition of similar activities in every session. Pornography makes them look forward to their regular intercourse sessions where they can try new things as seen on video, creating better thrill and variations (Chen, 14 March 2013). Variety in sexual relationship plays a vital part for almost all couples. According to Crooks and Baur, many individuals have a misconception that excitement and arousals stirred in their sexual experiences will always stay the same as in initial stage. Soon, they seek alternatives as their saving grace to gain satisfaction which they cannot get anymore from their own relationship (Crooks and Baur, pp. 201). This destroys a relationship completely and might ultimately result in breakup out of need for change! This is where the essential role of pornography sweeps in, creating new vibes of pleasures and sensuality. It is important for couple to allow its involvement in their sexual lives and discuss about it when the need arises. Speaking on an individual level, it is also necessary to have personal space to watch pornography occasionally when he or she feels too overdosed with intercourse. Also, according to an article provided in Elia’s book, researches showed that individuals, especially men, claim that, inspired from tactics used in pornographic content, they discovered new methods to pleasure themselves and guide their partners to do the same during sex to stimulate them better. The craving to improvise and to try something different got fulfilled for most of the men by indulging themselves in self-pleasure while watching pornography (Elia, John and Albert, pp. 283). Se xual pleasures are the primary goal for any intimate activity carried out by a couple. In his book, â€Å"Sex Industry: Porn and Prostitution† (Pp. 269-273), suggests that self-pleasures while watching pornography motivates individuals to try these activities with their partners as well. They associate having intercourse with their partners to the reward of getting arousals and ultimately orgasm. There is a possibility of enhancement of emotional attachments in a couple through attaining orgasms which in turn are guided through education learnt via pornography. Therefore, it might prove to be beneficial to discover oneself through self-pleasure exercises during pornography and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Most Pressing Environmental Problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Most Pressing Environmental Problems - Essay Example For the last several years, ocean acidity has increased by about 30%. In the next century, scientists expect the acidity to increase by 150%. The acidification is a threat to sea creatures and can result in the extinction of some species (Harris 2012). Population increase is perhaps the most disturbing environmental issue. In the last 70 years, the world’s population has tripled placing stress on all other aspects of the environment. Forests occupy more than 30 percent of the land and play a significant role in cleansing carbon emissions. They are also home to wildlife and protect us from flooding and sandstorms. For the last century, deforestation has been on the rise, and its effects are profound. Cutting trees threaten wildlife and contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions. The last stress is climate change that arises from the adverse use of natural resources by man (Harris 2012). Business should help solve the problems by promoting environmental friendly production methods. They can, for example, minimize water usage to avail it for human consumption. Businesses in the industrial sector can treat wastes released into the oceans to prevent water pollution. To curb climate change, manufacturing companies can reduce their carbon dioxide emissions. In other words, putting regulations and the use of best practices in business operations can provide effective solutions to the environmental problems.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Doctors vs nurses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Doctors vs nurses - Essay Example The education needed to qualify as a doctor or a nurse varies across countries, and even in some cases, there are variations within individual countries. A graduate degree in nursing in most countries is recommended to qualify as a nurse. This is the educational qualification that is only required. But in other countries, a degree in nursing is not enough for one to be approved as a nurse. For instance, in Canada and United States, there has been an increase in the educational requirement for one to qualify as a nurse, with a master’s degree becoming now a norm (OECD). But for the case of doctors, some countries require additional work experience for one to qualify or be approved as a doctor. Countries in sub-Sahara Africa have low education qualification for one to become a doctor as compared to other developed countries, whereby a master’s degree and work experience are factors considered before one is approved as a doctor. Remuneration levels are among critical factors affecting the performance and attractiveness of the various professions in different countries. There are substantial differences across various countries in the level of compensation for doctors and nurses. For instance, the average salary of doctors and nurses is the lowest in eastern European countries such as Turkey and Mexico and highest in Luxembourg. The range in the salaries across most countries is highest for the doctors, where the difference between the highest and lowest paying country is almost six fold. The nurses and doctors in Hungary are paid the lowest salary as compared to other countries. In all the countries, doctors earn the highest salary as compared to nurses (OECD). This may be as a result of the difference in the needed skills and the time required to train1. In many countries such as Australia, UK, USA and Canada, nurses are allowed to prescribe pharmaceutical

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How My Stories Were Written Essay Example for Free

How My Stories Were Written Essay Have u ever read a story where you were related to or change your life? In the short story by Bulosan, he uses a few literary elements such as setting, and irony to show how someone’s life can be change by a storyteller. In the following, I will explain what is the role of the Apo Lacay in this short story and how he has helped the author to overcome in the new world. In the beginning of the story â€Å" It is true there are mountains which are green all the year round bordering the northside of the province of Pangasinan, my own native province, in the island of Luzon†, Bulosan uses setting to let us know where the story takes place; he also give us details on how it looks like. This place is so important to him because he was born and raised here; his childhood was not as greater as his adult life but he gain so many anecdotes about it. The people that lived in the village were attached to the past centuries and a lot of things have been said from one generation to another. There was a man who had lived more than anyone else in the village; he is a storyteller that comes from a mysterious dwelling in the mountains and start telling his tales to the children and adults. Repentantly, he became friend with Apo Lacay (the storyteller), and learned from his tales even if they were not true. The boy (the author) thought that there were wisdom from his tales and he wanted to remember what kind of people lived in the village when he moves to the land far away. We sometimes do not pay attention to what or whom we listen to, we do not realize that we can learn a lot from books or simple short stories and gain the greatest wisdom ever; no matter where we go, in this case the author went to America, nothing cannot take the knowledge from you. The boy has also learned that there is more fear among the man than in the night forest full of beast, birds, the trees, storm and tempests. â€Å"In the savage heart of man there dwells the greatest fear among the living†.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Materials And Manufacturing Of The Crankshaft Engineering Essay

Materials And Manufacturing Of The Crankshaft Engineering Essay This paper reports presents the result of an analysis on materials and manufacturing of an engineering component the crankshaft. Crankshaft specifications, material selection manufacturing processes are first analyzed using CES and then the design aspect manufacturing process is discussed. INTRODUCTION: Crankshaft is a large component in the vehicle engine which converts linear energy into rotational energy by the displacement of the piston to a rotator motion. Functions of crankshaft: The crankshaft, connecting rods, piston constitute a crank mechanism which converts the linear motion of the piston to rotary motion. Thus the concept design of an engine is that the output would be rotation. Generally the linear displacement of an engine is not smooth as the displacement is caused by combustion of gas in the combustion chamber. So the displacement has sudden shocks and using this input for other devices may cause damage to it. Thus crankshaft is used to change these sudden displacements to a smooth rotational output such that it can be input to other devices like pumps, generators and compressors. For this fly wheel is also used for smoothing the shocks. Service requirements: The stresses which arise in a crankshaft are mainly due to bending and torsion. The stresses can be: Due to bending from combustion load Due to axial bending from axial thrust variation Due to high tensile hoop set up on the webs Radial stress on the pins by the shrinkage of webs on journals Due to transmission of variable torque producing twisting of main bearing and crankpins Shear stress on the crankpin bearing journals due Temperature: Do be done Chemical atmosphere: To be done Crankshaft drawings: MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS / SELECTION: Crankshaft materials should have adequate strength, toughness, hardness and high fatigue strength. The major crankshaft material competitors in the industry are forged steel and cast iron. Comparison of the performance of these materials is with respect to the CES Analysis. Medium Carbon alloy: Medium carbon alloy consists of predominantly iron and also small percentage of carbon (0,25% to 0.45% i.e. 25 to 45 points of carbon) and also several other combinations of alloying elements. The alloying elements used are magnesium, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, cobalt, vanadium and sometime aluminum and titanium. The resultant alloy will have properties like harden ability, nitridability, surface and core hardness, ultimate tensile strength, ductility, impact resistance, corrosion resistance and tempering and brittle resistance. The carbon content in this combination is the ultimate strength and hardness. This is an advantage as crankshafts operates under high loads and requires high strength. Nodular Cast Iron: This Cast Iron has 3 to 4% of carbon and 1.8 to 2.8% of silicon and graphite nodules. To achieve this 0.02 % residual cerium or 0.05% of residual magnesium or both are added and melted. Due to this Sulphur is removed and small spheroids are formed in the cast material. The surface hardness of modular iron is greater than steel of similar strength, induction hardening can produce a surface with brinell number of 550 to 580. Nodular cast iron has the advantageous properties like low melting point, good fluidility, cast ability, machinability, and wear resistance over mechanical properties of steel like relatively high strength, hardness, toughness, workability and harden ability. Modular steel is better than Nodular Cast iron is justified by the graph produced by CES. MANUFACTURING ROUTE SELECTION: Crankshafts are manufactured from steel either by forging or casting. crankshafts are stronger than the cast crankshaft but are more expensive. The process of forging makes a very dense, tough shaft with a grain running parallel to the principal stress direction. The cost involved in material and machining of crankshaft using casting process is reduced as it makes use of required shape and size including counter weights. The metal grain structure is uniform and random throughout and so cast crankshaft can handle loads from all directions. Counter weights on cast crankshaft are slightly larger than counterweights on forged crankshafts as the cast metal is less dense and so they are higher. The evolution of the modular cast irons and improvements in techniques allows the manufacturers to prefer cast irons shafts for moderate loads. But for heavy duty applications forged shafts are favored. DESCRIPTION OF SELECTED MANUFACTURING PROCESS: Manufacturing process can be broken in to steps: The manufacturing route for forged steel crankshaft is usually hot forging, machining, heat treatment, surface treatment and inspection. Forging: Generally Hot Forging process id used to form crankshafts. The billet of suitable size is heated. The temperature would typically range from 1050 1250 °c and the pressed into required shape by squeezing the billet between dies under very high pressure. Extreme deformation is also possible but requires different dies for shaping. Then the resultant product is removed by gas cutting. Machining: Machining can be done using the following steps: Centering: It is a process that decides suitability of the end product. Turning: it is a process that processes journals, flanges, front axis, pins and recess for fillet rolling. Induction Hardening: To increases hardness Pins, journals, oil seal part and flange are quenched by induction hardening machine. Fillet Roll machining: this process is done to the journal and pins of the crankshaft use fillet rolling machine. Milling: This process is used for surface roughness to be made accurate as per the drawing structure of that of the journal pin, edge axis and the flange by milling machines. Balance; this process is used to balance by boring a hole through weight in order to stabilize pin weight to avoid vibrations. Heat Treatment: The desired strength of the material is achieved by a process known as heat treatment. Surface finishing: Steps involved in surface finishing; Surface Hardening: to create a hardened surface the ion-nitriding process is done by exposing the cranks to a nitrogen mix. These nitrogen mixes reacts with the surface and thus gives hardened surface. Shot à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Blasting: A process adopted to improve the surface quantity. In this process the surface of the material is attacked by different types of shots. The shots can be sand, steel balls or silicon carbide (granules). This is done to remove scale from the surface. Computer Aided Grinding Face Grinding: this process is used to improve the surface finish of crankshaft. Final Washing: This is done using anti-corrosive oil. Inspection: Using sophisticated Profilometer the crankshaft is inspected. For ensuring the quality of finishing product manual inspection is also done. CONCLUCION: Advanced Analysis allowed the mass and the inertia crankshaft by still maintaining levels of balance, durability and torsional vibration. 30% mass reduction 35% inertia reduction Final product had high durability even after setting the revoluon limiter was set to 1600 rpm and despite the increase in twist due to torsional vibration.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Roles And Responsibilities Of Trade Union Management Essay

Roles And Responsibilities Of Trade Union Management Essay Trade Union is defined in the Employment Relations Act 2008 (Appendix 1) as an association of persons, whether registered or not, having as one of its objects the regulation of employment relations between workers and employers The Trade Union or Labour Union movement is a continuous and voluntary association whose membership comprises of salary earners, employees and union leaders. Those members have bonded together motivated by a simple motto Unity makes strength. Workers will therefore utilise trade unions as their representative voice when dealing with employers or on the board of directions. Independently, the workers do not bear the power to defy the top management. Therefore they grouped and seek to institute their terms and conditions of employments. When they realised that negotiating as an individual, the manager would be more powerful, due to the fact that an individual would not matter as much a group in regard of running an organisation. According to Cunnison, Trade Union is a monopolistic combination of wage earners who stand to the employers in a relation of dependence for the sale of their labour and even for the production, and that the general purpose of the association in view of that dependence is to strengthen their power to bargain with the employers The main role of trade union is to ensure the welfare of its members such as safeguarding the interests of its members, protecting the reliability of its trade, achieving higher wages by securing economic benefits. It also optimises the working conditions at the workplace and guarantees a job security while protecting members against unfair dismissal at workplace. Through its leadership, trade union engages in collective bargaining, whereby labour contracts are negotiated with the employers. Also it acts as a recruiting manager, the Union leaders interfere with the recruitment and selection of the company, its intention is to maximise the number of employees an employer can hire. 2.2 Hierarchy of Trade Unions There is a hierarchy in Unions, we had identified; the confederation, the federations and the trade unions. Regarding the confederation, there are one main which is Mauritius Labour Congress and it is affiliated to the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU).In the category of federation there are; National Trade Union Confederation (NTUC) which is affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the Mauritius Trade Union Congress (MTUC). Finally, the trade unions which are affiliated to the NTUC; The Federation of Civil Service Unions, Federation of Progressive Unions, Federation des Travailleurs Unis, Confederation Mauriciennes des Travailleurs, General Workers Federation and Federation of Free Workers. 2.3 Structure of Trade Union The trade unions structure is divided into several parts, namely: The Annual Delegates Congress It is the authority which governs the federation. The Executive Council It comprises of one representative of each affiliates which is usually the secretary or the president and the Bureau members and two observers per affiliates. Once every two months they conduct meeting regarding applications for affiliates from trade unions and affiliation of the Federation to any local, regional or international organisation promoting the interest of the workers and to discuss disagreements between different affiliates. Meeting can be scheduled on the demand of the President or the Bureau or of the members of the Executive Council too. The Bureau It comprises of the President, the General Secretary and the eight elected members. Among them, one is the 1st Vice president and another is the 2nd vice president, a 3rd as Assistant Treasurer and a fourth one who is the organising secretary. President He represents the Federation and he is the spokesman of the federation. General secretary The General Secretary arranges meetings and draw up the minutes of the meeting. Along with the General Secretary, Deputy General Secretary and the Assistant General make up the Secretariat of Federation. Treasurer He is in charge of the accounts of the federation. Organising Secretary He is in charge of organising events like training sessions, seminars, workshop among others. Public Relation Officer He deals with the media for conferences, coverage, reports and other information that will be published by the media. 2.4 Nature and Scope of Trade Union The existence of an influential and recognised trade union is a pre-requisite to the industrial development pace of the country. With modernization in different sectors and the formation of new one such as the technological one as well as the tourism sector, human resources were required. However, mistreatment of the Mauritian labour force appears. This is where the trade union emerged; they ensured that the human rights of their members are respect as per the laws and the constitution. Trade Unions are currently considered as a sub-system which attends a precise sub-groups interest. When defending a particular sector they consider themselves as an integral part of the organisation in respect to the feasibility, growth and development of the community of which they formed part of. The influence of Trade Unions is of key importance for their members in the following ways: First, they are more effective and efficient when the need of negotiation is required between employers and employees by attempting to create a win-win situation. They facilitate the flow of communication between workers and the management, by providing the guidance and support to both of them. The Union leaders will seek a health and safety in the working environment. In addition, they also act as an educational institution; they provide different types of courses to their members. They also accelerate the pace of economic development for instance; they act as a recruiting and selecting agent for the unemployed workers, managing conflicts in the organisation, inculcating corporate social responsibilities to the members among others. 2.5 Objectives of trade unions. The main body of a trade union usually consists of individual workers, sometimes professionals and past workers. Their primary aim is to ensure that the employment conditions of employees are respected and that fair working conditions are offered. However, trade unions also engage in issues like: Negotiation Representation Information and advice Member services Negotiation One of the main targets of trade unions is to negotiate with employers about the matters affecting their members and other employees at work. If a union is formally recognised by an employer, it can negotiate with the employer over terms and conditions. These negotiations are commonly known as collective bargaining. Any trade union works to protect and advance the interests of its members. One of the ways it achieves this is by collectively bargaining with employers about the pay and conditions under which its members work. The negotiation process normally deals with matters such as working rules and regulations, complaint procedures, hiring principle, dismissing or promoting employees, workplace safety and policies etc. Some trade unions even have the power to negotiate rates of pay, bonuses for target achievement, employment conditions and job descriptions on behalf of the employees. For collective bargaining to be effective, unions and employers need to agree on how the arrangement is to operate. The objective of that collective bargaining or negotiation process is to settle with a mutual agreement also known as collective agreement between the management and the trade union. Representing Body Employees and other workers have the right to be accompanied at a disciplinary or grievance hearing. They can either choose a co-worker or a union representative. Often, the union representative, will be a workplace representative who is also a co-worker and will support the employee on the board meeting. Information and Advice If someone forms part of a union he/she can also ask them for advice. Unions are experts at solving problems at work. Trade unions provide staff with information, advice and guidance about any work related problems. Member Service Trade unions provide its members with a variety of services such as training, insurance, financial assistance and legal advices, sickness benefits, education facilities in some cases, guarantee of satisfactory work conditions in areas such as health and safety as well as equal opportunities. Voice in decision affecting Workers Trade unions act as a spokesperson for the staff. When matters concerning an individual employee or a group of workers arise, the trade unions job is to voice out the problem in order to negotiate for a solution. In case no agreement is settled or respected, the trade union members may enforce strikes or resistance to lockouts. They can also intervene in order to resist schemes of the management which reduce employment, e.g. restructuring and automation 2.6 Types of Trade Union Craft or Occupation Union. This type of union was the earliest type developed, it comprised of employees of a particular craft or skill regardless of place of work. The advantage of craft unionism is the sense of solidarity, as there is a feeling of common interest between the members. In addition, as this union bears skilled workers, they have a good economic position for collective bargaining. On the other side, more and more new mechanical devices were being developed, the need for large numbers of skilled workers decreased. One- Shop Union or House Union The one-shop union organizes all workers in the same establishment or factory. This type of union has the advantage of being relatively easy to organize because all workers share a common goal in securing a good collective agreement for their particular factory. However, as it is small, it has little bargaining power and it is easily dominated by management. Common Employer Union. 2.7 Characteristic of Trade Union Trade unions have shown remarkable progress since their inception in Mauritius and as the union is an essential and dynamic aspect of the society it bears special characteristics such as: Trade Union come together for common goals and interest The members have some materials of collective interest such as improving working conditions, better wages, benefits, job security among others. The trade unions have the right to contest a managerial decision, if they considered that their members are at risk with the outcome. Trade Union is an association of workers and salary earners: Unions are essentially a cooperative labour marketing association whose aim is to safeguard human rights on one or more labour market. In addition, they also bear a hand in the progress of the society, cultural interest and political views of its members. Trade unions have been implemented so as each sector of the working class bear a specific union. Mauritius therefore bears different Union association such as: Agricultural Research Extension Unit (AREU) Mauritius Labour Congress (MLC) Mauritius Trade Union Congress (MTUC) National Trade Union Confederation (NTUC) Trade Unions are basically voluntary organizations: Members of any trade union are voluntary in nature. They are completely free to become a member of a Trade Union or not; none is constrained to subscribe to a Trade Union. If any individual is forced to join a Union, the very essence of trade of trade unionism is defeated. Unions are egalitarian bodies: The Unions are self-governed; this is the reason why they can effectively act in our society. The union leaders are voted by the members and perform as per the Trade Union Act. The Trade Union is a continuous association Union is not a daily affair. In order to work effectively for their adherents they ask a long term membership Constant evolution in the characteristic of Trade Union With this dynamic era, the union continually update their techniques and amend their work. With new complications in the workplace, the unions need to find infinite approaches so as to serve the union members. Rapport with the Management: The unions have the responsibility to improve the employers and employees relationship. They go through the process of negotiation and collective bargaining with the direction of the members organisation concerning their problems. In so doing, the employer and employee relationship is enriched and enhance the quality and welfare of the employees. 2.8 Functions of Trade Unions Broadly speaking, trade unions perform two types of functions: Militant Function Amongst the various activities performed by trade unions is the betterment of the position of their members in relation to their employment. The aim of such activities is to ensure that all the clauses of the hiring and psychological contract are respected. When the union fails to accomplish these aims through collective bargaining and negotiation, in extreme conditions they adopt drastic measures in the form of go-slow, strike, boycott, work sabotage etc. to make the management react and reconsider their requests. Hence, these functions of the trade unions are known as militant or fighting functions. Fraternal Function Another actions performed by trade unions are to provide help to its members in needy times, and improving their efficiency. Trade unions try to nurture a spirit of cooperation, mutual aid and promote friendly relationships and sharing of knowledge and culture among their colleagues. In some cases, they also arrange for legal assistance. Besides, these, they undertake many welfare measures for their members, e.g., school for the education of children, library, reading-rooms, in-door and out-door games, and other recreational facilities. These activities, which may be called fraternal functions, obviously depend on the availability of funds, which the unions raise by subscription from members and donations from outsiders, and also on their competent and enlightened leadership. Another broad classification of the functions of unions may be as follows: Intra-mural activities: These deals with whatever happens on the site of work and has direct impact on employees e.g. wages, strikesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Extra-mural activities: These activities help the employees to maintain and improve their efficiency or productivity e.g., methods intended to foster a spirit of cooperation, promote friendly relationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Political activities: Modern trade unions also take up political activities to achieve their objectives. Such activities may be related to the formation of a political party or those reflecting an attempt to seek influence on public policy relating to matters connected with the interests of working class Other Functions Trade unions have a number of functions, one more important than the other depending on the situations; however the five main general principles developed have been: The service function The representative function The regulatory function The government function The public administration function The service function This involves the delivery of services and assistance to the union members. The representative function This implies that the trade union will act like a delegate for the members at the workplace. The regulatory function This enables trade unions to actively participate in rule-making over the workplace. This can be done either: directly multi-employer collective bargaining e.g. through the Joint Industrial Council Or indirectly through regulatory legislation The government and public administration function Trade unions engage with the government to assure that they can accomplish their respective function within the law. Trade unions also play an important role in: improving bottom-up communication in order to increase commitment of employees in meeting the organizations objectives negotiating improvements to pay and working conditions to retain the people encouraging companies to invest in training and development for better performance and personal as well as professional development of employees acting as a positive change agent thus gaining employees support for the smooth running of the organization Protecting the interests of employees by taking active participation in the management. safeguarding organizational stability, growth, and leadership

Monday, August 19, 2019

Expanding Perception in Alan Lightman’s Einsteins Dreams :: Lightman Einsteins Dreams Essays

Expanding Perception in Alan Lightman’s Einstein's Dreams To attempt to describe Einstein's Dreams would be like trying to explain magic. For example, imagine that a magician holds a ping-pong ball playfully, transferring it from one hand to the other. The magician invites the audience to examine a red silk kerchief that had been neatly tucked into his jacket's front pocket. He then lays the kerchief flat in his left hand and places the ping-pong ball in that kerchief-covered palm. The magician gathers the four corners of the kerchief together, flings it into the air and lets it fall to the floor. He picks up the kerchief and presents it again to the audience for examination: The ping-pong ball is nowhere to be found. Can you say that, from reading this description, you were full of awe and wonder when you discovered the ping-pong ball's disappearance? I would wager that you were not. If you have ever read Einstein's Dreams, you can appreciate my dilemma. If you have not yet had the opportunity to experience this wonderful novel by Alan Lightman, I guarantee that after you read it you will expand your perception of the nature of time and of human activity. The novel is enchanting. It is a fictional account of what one of the greatest scientific minds dreams as he begins to uncover his theory of relativity. Whenever I suggest the novel to the uninitiated, they often say that they are not interested in the sciences. This novel is more like art and poetry, I reply. Einstein's Dreams is Lightman's first work of fiction, although he previously wrote at least six books and for several magazines. Lightman currently teaches physics and writing at M.I.T. From these two seemingly conflicting backgrounds come reviews like "A wonderfully odd, clever, mystical book of meditations on time, poetically spare and delightfully fresh" and "Endlessly fascinating. A beguiling inquiry into the not-at-all theoretical, utterly time-tangled, tragic and sublime nature of human life." Only sixteen of the 179 pages relate to Albert Einstein. The rest of the novel describes some of his "dreams" from April 15 to June 28, 1905. What if time were a circle? What if cause and effect were erratic? What if the passage of time brought increasing order? What if we had no memories? What if time flowed backward? What if we lived for only a day? What if time were measured by quality and not quantity?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Relation of Rights to the Real :: Ontology Bentham Papers

The Relation of Rights to the Real This paper approaches Bentham's ontology of rights from a viewpoint influenced by American philosophical pragmatism. I examine how rights are conceived and discussed in relation to the real. Jeremy Bentham maintained that all rights are "fictitious entities." But, in privileging "political" over moral and natural rights, Bentham implies that legal rights stand in a privileged position over natural rights with regard to the relation of mind to the actual. By reason of its enforceability through sanctions, a legal right for Bentham has a privileged connection to the real. I argue that nonlegal rights can be conceived as bearing a roughly parallel relation to the real in guiding human conduct by suasion rather than sanctions. Their relationship to "something real and observable" is their relation to voluntary conduct through belief. Bentham's ontology dictates a distinct legal and political system. Practically, it leaves the real existence of rights entirely in the hands of government o fficials, and the only choice of humans interested in securing rights lies in their enactment and enforcement in and through a legal regime. In this paper I will approach Bentham's ontology of rights from a viewpoint influenced by American philosophical pragmatism. In order to do so, some introductory remarks are necessary. There is more than one version of "American pragmatism," but I think it safe to say that there are only two that are relevent here; I will call them A and B. Pragmatism A finds its main sources in Peirce, James, Dewey, and Holmes, and tends toward what might roughly be identified as ontological realism. (1) Pragmatism B draws from a somewhat different reading of Dewey and Holmes, not so much from Peirce and James, and has been profoundly influenced by Wittgenstein and the so-called linguistic turn in philosophy; its principal exponent has been Richard Rorty. It tends toward both "antirealism" and, some might say, a contemporary nominalism. For those interested I will provide explanatory references (2) and proceed to pragmatism A, which is the preferred version for me and the approach I find so helpful. Why? Because I find the literature of law and rights filled with distinct and often conflicting ontological assumptions. In a moment I will give an example. But to summarize the paper, we must start with the fact that there are conflicting theories of law and its leading categories, from the most general (e.g. rights) to the more specific (like contract).

Statement of Educational Goals And Philosophy Essay -- My Philosophy o

Statement of Educational Goals And Philosophy The nature of students is that of an instinctive ability to learn. Students of ages and all grade levels reflect their surroundings and respond according to their interpretation. Naturally it is not only the influence of a classroom that shapes a student but many outside factors that determine students’ goals and abilities; for example, healthy encouragement from parents. Students may find a natural ability to perform in one area of education and with help may fine tune their ability to better their understanding of other areas. Students have a better understanding of education when it is relevant to their needs and everyday life. The nature of knowledge deals with two aspects: that of relative and absolute. From a relative perspective a student’s knowledge is determined by their perception of what surrounds them. Knowledge of any kind has the ability to inspire but if a student does not perceive that knowledge as worthy it may not become part of their educational formation. For instance, a student in art class may perceive different works of a good or bad based on their emotion reaction. On the other hand, the absolute knowledge of how a work of art is created may incorporate specific mathematics and color formulations that are not interpreted by emotion. The combining of relative and absolute knowledge is the result of having a dream and the knowledge to make it come true. Overall, the purpose of public education is to provide knowledge in a manner that all of society may communicate and function on a common level with the intent of raising the standards of future societies. With this purpose in mind, it is the goal to mold... ...nd emotional needs of students, incorporating as much as possible the various other academic subjects. My Education 305 class along with the observation that I completed has helped to bring the reality of students and the relationship of teacher-to-student into focus. Various strategies to maintain discipline within the classroom have been very helpful and given me a better knowledge of age appropriate rewards and punishments. It has also presented to me the most difficult task: motivation. It is not only the way that I see art but to see art through my students eyes and to develop their skill or lack of into something that they at least can appreciate. A teacher is not a magician but a teacher can use many tricks to keep students focused and motivated. Beginning with the first day until the last day it is my goal that every student learns something each day.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Tata Group

Tata group of companies, it is said that there is Tata in every Indian’s life directly or indirectly. Tata group of companies is India’s largest conglomerate. Tata group is made up of 90 operating companies in seven different industries which makes it India’s largest conglomerate. Tata group was founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1868. The founder of the Tata group was a visionary who was a traveler and loved travelling around the world. Jamsetji Tata was born in a small town of Navsari in Gujarat India. In his early working life, he worked with his dad in his banking firm. He wanted to start a new business, and he did start a trading company while working with his father in his banking firm. Then in he established a textile mill which he named as empress mill as a smart move to avoid any British opposition. This was the first stem to the huge Tata group which it is today. Jamsetji Tata was a traveler and brought many ideas about business in his travel. He saw new things and technology used in other countries in his travel he brought those things and new ideas home and employed them in his company and helped the country in the path of industrialization. Jamsetji Tata created trust and one of these trusts today holds the majority of the shares in the Tata group of companies. Jamsetji Tata’s one of the dream, was to construct a hotel which was the best in India and has to be the most luxuries in India. The Taj Mahal Hotel was the first building in Bombay to use electricity. Jamsetji wanted to build the best hotel in India after he was denied entry in one of the hotels in Bombay because he was Indian. The hotel which was completed, in 1904 was one of the great marvels of Tata group in Jamsetji Tata’s life time (Tata Group, n. d. ). The next big thing which happened in, the progress of the Tata Group was the establishment of iron and steel plant which was the first iron and steel plant in India. It was a challenge to start an iron and steel plant in India as there was an ever present pressure from the British raj. However, Sir Dorab Tata made it the reality when he started the steel plant near Jamshedpur. The new company was called Tata steel, which is the 10th largest steel manufacturer in the world currently. The company was established a century ago by Sir Dorab Tata in 1907. Sir Dorab Tata was also established first hydroelectric power plant which was the beginning of Tata power. Tata power is India’s largest private sector power generating company. One of the best companies in the Tata group ware established in the life time of Sir Dorab Tata. The founders of Tata group where not only the business men but also nationalist. In 1911 after seven years, after the death of Jamsetji Tata the first science instate was established in Bangalore. Where the bright brains of India can cultivate their aspirations in science, and technology. Tata’s ware fully aware of their corporate social responsibility towards society, and their country as whole (Tata group, n. d. ). The institute established by the Tata’s is today’s premier research and development institute which is in Bangalore. In its 375 acres campus, the Indian Institute of science hosts 40 departments and centers of various fields of science. Institute constantly performs research and development of cutting edge science in association with space research organization and defense research organization. Tata institute of fundamental research is one of the best research institute in the country. There are many such institutes which where the vision of the founders of Tata group, which are serving the country and society as a whole. Tata Group is also known for employee satisfaction. Tatas ware first to introduce the 8 hour working day in 1912 long before it was introduced in the western countries, they were first to introduce the provident funds which is a kind of savings account in which a certain percentage of pay is deducted, and deposited in the account, and the same percentage of the amount is matched by the employee, and deposited in same provident fund account, this was a kind of social security which was way ahead of its time. Provident fund was made compulsory by the Indian government for every company after 1952. Tata group in their process of employee satisfaction has constructed cities. Jamshedpur is very good example of the fastest growing and developing city in the country, is founded by the Tata group, to provide housing facility for the workers working in countries first steel plants, and it is named after the founder of Tata group Jamsetji Tata. With the death, of Sir Dorab Tata In 1932 Tata group lost its one of the great leaders. Sir Nowroji Tata became the chairmen of the group. By this time, Tata Group was in many business and industries. However, Sir Nowroji Tata died in 1038, and the responsibility of the company was on young 34 year old JDR Tata. JDR Tata came with new ideas, to further expanded the company. JRD Tata was the first in the country to get a commercial pilot’s license. He was the one who took the Indian in to the aviation age the first commercial aviation company was established by JDR Tata. The Tata Airlines was the first airlines of India which is still the largest airlines in the country. However, the Tata airlines was nationalized and is now known as Indian Airlines after the government of India took over the company from Tata group and regulated the aviation market and was the only airlines in the country for a long time. JDR Tata was the chair man of Tata Group for fifty three years and during his leadership Tata Group expanded in new industries. Under JRD Tata’s leadership, the company from independence to 1990 despite stringent regulations and license raj was able to grow constantly and was able to start their business in new areas. Tata started Tata Chemicals in the year 1939. Tata Motors and Tata Industries in 1945, Voltas in 1954 which is manufacturing home appliance, Tata tea, which is one of the largest tea company of the world was established under his leader ship, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) India’s largest Information Technology company by market capitalization was established in the year 1968, and the Titan Industries in the year 1984 (Tata group, n. d. ). JDR Tata steep down from the position of being chair man of that group in 1991. Ratan N. Tata took over the position as the chair person of the company and still a chair person of the company. Ratan Tata became the chair person in the mist of new economic reforms in the country where government removed many restrictions. The Indian government lifted many regulations to do business and started the end of the license raj. New entry of international origination gave competition in many industries to the Tata group. Tata group had new arena to do business in this newly freed market. Tata Group, one of the old and strong business groups whose business has seen many rough time the company in 1990 at last able to operate in a free market where it can perform to its full potential. Tata group was started as a modest trading company by the founder Jamsetji Tata is now one of India’s Biggest Company. Tata Group consists of 90 operating company which consists of communication, Information technology, chemicals, consumer products, engineering, materials, and many more industries (Tata Group, n. d. ). Tata Group is based in Mumbai India is not just an Indian company it is a global enterprise. Tata Group earns more revenues from operations outside India then that from the domestic market with in India. Tata Group earns 57 percent of its revenue, which is, $67. billion in 2009-2010 came from business outside India and rest form the business in the country. Out of 90 company the company has 28 publicly listed companies whose market capitalization is of around $98. 11 billion. The company has the share holder base of 3. 5 million. The Tata group is present in 85 countries worldwide and employees around 395,000 people worldwide (Tata Group, n. d. ). The present chairman of Tata group is Ratan Tata he is the chairman of Tata Sons the promoting company of Tata group and hence the chair man of Tata Group. Ratan Tata was born on December 28, 1937 he is the grandson of the founder Jamsetji Tata. He was raised by his grandmother Navajibai. He has done bachelors in architecture from Cornell University in 1962. He has further studied advance management program from Harvard Business School and graduated in 1975. Ratan Tata becomes the chairman of Tata sons and Tata Group in 1990. This was the time when then Indian government decided to open the Indian market to the international competition. Then Indian government also opened many industries to the private-sector investment. Tata Group being one of the biggest group in India was well in a position to take advantage of the situation presented to them and during the same time Ratan Tata was chosen by JRD Tata as the chairman of Tata group. However, Ratan Tata did not become the chairman of Tata group directly. Initially he got a job offer in IBM which he declined with the advice of JRD Tata. He started first working in Tata steel in Jamshedpur where he worked on the floor making steel in front of blast furnish. This was like a training ground for him for the feature responsibilities (Tata Group, n. . ) Tata Group is headed by a dynamic leader Ratan Tata has two decision making groups. These groups are called Group executive office, and Group corporate center. These groups divide decision-making responsibility. Group executive office, the main objectives of the group executive office are to implement the programs in relation with governance, human resource, etc. group executive office also works to improve the synergistic between various companies within the group and also to improve synergistic between group and individual companies in the group. The current GEO comprises of Ratan Tata, R Gopalakrishnan, Ishaat Hussain, Kishor Chaukar, and Arunkumar Gandhi. (Tata group, n. d. ) The other decision making body in management structure of the company is Group Corporate Center. This decision-making body in management works on promoting the Tata brand in the country, and around the world. The group issues policies for the growth of the company and entry in to a new area of business are reviewed in this decision-making group. Group corporate center also provides advices on financial, human resource, legal, and functional issues as and when necessary to companies in the group. The present members in the group are Ratan Tata the chairman, JJ Irani, RK Krishna Kumar, R Gopalakrishnan, Ishaat Hussain, Kishor Chaukar and Arunkumar Gandhi. The Tata group commits it shelf to the country they operate, and to improve the quality of life of the people who work in the group, and the communities in which Tata group operates its business. Tata group is a value driven company and they believe very strongly in their values, and have five core values which help them as a guide for growth and in the arena business of Tata group. Tata group strongly believes in integrity, and they believe that the business which they perform should be conducted in a fair manner and with honesty. The business process should be transparent. The group also believes in understanding the customer and the employees specially. Tata group strongly believes that in doing business, they should act with compassion and humanity towards the customer to whom they serve and in the internal operation of the company between the colleagues within the company. Tata group thinks that they should do their best in day to day work. They believe that the product, which they provide, to their customer should be of the best quality. They believe that they should raise their standard of works in day to day working. They also believe that they as a group should work more cohesively. It is also important that they work in unity between the companies and their partners around the world. Tata group believes that working in a united manner can result in excellent results, which impact the growth and development of the company, and Tata group as whole. Tata Group thinks it is responsible to the communities in which they operate their business, and it thinks that they are responsible towards the country, in which they operate. Tata group believes, in providing more to the people than what they received from them. Tata group also believes strongly in their code of conduct and do their day of the day operation in accordance with their code of conduct. They have twenty five clauses which make their code of conducts and works as a guide for their operation in day to day operation of the company. Tata group thinks that innovation is the best way to progress and with the innovation they can achieve what they want to achieve in the business. The best example the company has displayed is by Tata motors. The Tata Nano is an example for the innovative side of the Tata group. The nano car, which is the cheapest car in the world, Tata nano costs around 100,000 Indian rupees which translates to around $2500 depending on the present exchange rates. Many in the automotive industry said that the car was impossible to make. It was the brain child of Ratan Tata the chairman of Tata sons and Tata Group. Ratan Tata saw the Indian, middle class family of four crammed on a two-wheeler on a wet road. It is very dangerous to drive on the road in such conditions, especially in India where traffic condition is very bad. Ratan Tata got an idea of making a car which will be affordable to the emerging middle class of India. This engineering challenge which they had been never accomplished in the history of modern day automobile industry. In the early 2003 on the sides of a business meeting, Ratan Tata expressed his wish to make an affordable car for the people of India. This was going to be a challenge, and Ratan Tata knew about it very well. He called five engineers from Tata motors to Bombay house to give them the challenge of doing which was never done before. The team of the engineers did not have any kind of idea about what they are up to and came with the ideas of cheap transport. They only got the idea of the challenge when the chairman him shelf told them about his idea of INR 100,000 cars. The team was given the challenge was going to do something which did not have a bench mark, for next four years they were working on one man’s dream which can affect an entire country of 1. 2 billion people and their safety on the roads. During the process, of building the cheapest car of the world Tata motors has to start completely from the basics of car building. Engineers at Tata motors had to start over as they were not able to get parts from exiting suppliers around the world which can fit within the pries tag of the car. They did what Tata Group is all know about Innovate (Tata Moters , n. . ). Engineers at Tata motors ware able to create the marvel the Tata nan, which is the cheapest car of the world. The car was holding the price tag of INR 100,000 despite the increase in the raw material price. The car was launched on early 2009. The Tata group is not Just accomplished building a car, but in many other business too they have created the cheapest water which do not use the electricity and uses the natural materials and is cheap so that the poor farmers in a remote village can use the water filter which is called Tata Swach. This innovative feat achieved by Tata chemicals was a life changing for many rural population of India where pure water or water purification system are very costly are not cheaply available. The Tata has done it again by innovating and not only providing the solution to the problem but also providing it cheaply so that it can be used by the common Indian. The Tata Group has become the integral part of every Indian’s life is not just confined to India. Tata group is present in 85 countries. Tata group now came to the world stage my major industrial acquisition. The biggest of them all was the acquiring of Cores. Corus was the biggest steel producer of steel in Europe and was a high end steel producer. Tata steel is the low end steel producer as the market demands in India. Tata steel was mainly focused on Indian market was the second largest steel producer in India. There was no presence of Tata steel in Europe before the takeover of the company. This is the biggest takeover by any Indian company in the world. Corus was the second largest steel producer in Europe, Tata when acquired Corus made it the fifth largest steel producer in the world. Tata acquired Corus for $8. 1 billion and promised to fuse funds in Corus pension fund. This over take was also symbolizing the growth of Tata after 1990’s, during this two decades it has expanded in ever growing Indian market and also has stretched its wings in the international market, as well. The only way where it can expand to the world stage is by acquiring other companies, and as done my many Indian companies recently the deal between Tata and Corus was showing the newly found strength in Indian companies around the world. â€Å"One minute world news â€Å", 2006) Tata group did not only acquired the Corus but acquired many other brands or companies around the world. Tata motors have acquired at least one brand or company every since 2004. In 2004 Tata motors acquired the Daewoo motors. The Tata Daewoo has a very big market around the world and sells trucks under the name of Daewoo in South Korea and Pakistan and under Tata name around the world. In 2005 Tata motors acquired, Hispano Carrocera is one of the largest manufacturer of buses in Europe. Tata Motors acquired entire 100 percent stake in the company in 2009. Tata motors become biggest bus manufacturer in Europe with the acquisition of the company. Other big acquisition and most widely know is when Tata motors bought the famous and esteemed British car manufacturer Jaguar with this Tata motors came in European high end car market. Tata now owned the famous brands like Land rover and has truly become a global brand. Tata group has been at the fore front of the overtaking global company recently has also faced with many issues due to the down turn of the global economy. There were few issues not related to the economy but completely different like a terror attack on 26 November 2008 on an iconic Taj Mehal hotel in Mumbai which was constructed by non other than the founder of the group him shelf Jamsetji Tata more than a century ago. The attack was on the one of Mumbai’s land marks and left a historic building badly damaged, it was repaired, and was in service within few months. Tata’s has shown that it is not impossible to keeping on improving performance and growing the company no matter the circumstance exists in the country of operation. They have grown in the company of present day after facing the strict colonial restriction against industries in colony. They have also showed how to grow in an unfriendly environment with government license policy which was to control the industries in the country. The name Tata is said to be in every Indian's life is now on the path to spread its wings around the world, and aspires to become a part of everybody life around the world. References

Friday, August 16, 2019

Negotiation personal reflection Essay

The negotiation exercise practice assignment was most definitely an interesting one and it was an assignment I learned a lot from. This negotiation practice was all about a 4 bedroom home with two bathrooms and two kitchens, which was advertised for $385,000. While some parts of the negotiation were very interesting, other parts were very frustrating, but this was to be expected. For me, some my biggest frustration was dealing with miscommunication. In the scheme of a negotiation, miscommunication is bound to happen, and for that reason, I feel like in some ways this negotiation was very realistic. For example, at the time of negotiation, Seller made the first call of 3,85,000$. However, the Buyer already knew that seller bought this property two months before. So, buyer asked seller why he wanted to sell the home, seller totally ignored the question and started telling the features of the home. Buyer again asked the same question and I noticed that seller got nervous, maybe he did not know what to say, whatever finally, seller told that he has another house and he was selling this home because his wife thought that this property is too big. I experienced some miscommunication at that moment maybe seller was not prepared. After that buyer made the first call of 3,55,000 and mentioned everything about taxes he had to pay and other expenses and explained that he cannot pay that much. So seller lowered the price to 3,80,000. After some arguments buyer offered to pay 3,70,000 only if seller will give him 3 months to sell his old house. I think it was a trick of buyer, whatever after that seller agreed upon 3,77,000 only if buyer will sign the document of lease and all paper work and suddenly seller’s colleague wanted to talk with him so they went to talk on side and came back and said the cannot give the house for 3,77,000 so they again increased the price to 3,80,000. This was very strange and difficult, because once they offered 3,77,000 and after sometime again increased the price, there was obvious confusion and frustration on their part, which did make discussion difficult. Buyer said to seller that he wanted to seal this deal as soon as possible and it would also be good for seller as well because as soon as seller would sell this property he could save money for mortgage and other property taxes for next month. After that buyer mentioned about location of house that it was near the river and there can be mosquitos and insects in summer and it will be difficult to rent the house. Buyer tried to convince seller that there can  be threat of insects but it did not work and seller was keep offering him 377,000. So buyer asked seller if he can give him better offer than 377000 then he can pay him right away. So seller offered him 3,76,000 and then 3,75,800 after some arguments. Buyer asked seller if he can pay the property inspection fee of 400 and will give him all the appliances as well. So seller agreed upon paying half of the property inspection fee and all the appliances and the deal sealed on 3,75,600. I think in the end, work as a team helped contribute to our success in the negotiation. The objective of the practice was to simply demonstrate that negotiation is a kind of settlement process in which the parties to the negotiation try to achieve their respective goals by various means of effective communication and strategy. Negotiation personal reflection

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Best Job I Had

The Benefits of Smartphone Smart phones are daily necessity. Smartphone have a lot of advantages besides making phone calls that few people get the full benefits out of their Smartphone. The biggest benefit of Smartphone is that I never out of touch. There are different ways I can communicate with my friend and the family by using different apps on my Smartphone, for example chat and text messaging allow me to send quick messages to my family and friends, and I can also use my viber app for international calls.Secondly, Smartphone also allow me to download a lot of useful and fun apps. For instance the automatic reminder, I use this app the most on my phone because it keeps me organized by reminding me of my doctor’s appointments, my exams, and friends’ birthdays. I also use my eBay app for shopping, for mothers like me I have two babies, and it’s hard for me to go out shopping, so using the Smartphone apps made my life easier. Finally, the reasons that I like Sm artphone are the multimedia features.I can use my Smartphone to watch movies or television or I can use it to play games. I can also listen to music while I’m board on the bus or anywhere. Today I don’t have to worry about getting my work done. I can just get on my Smartphone and do the research that I need. Smartphone bring us huge convenient in daily life. As it has multiple functions, people are more rely on it, because Smartphone more than just a phone. It is not only for dialing, but with so many different kinds of functions which make Smartphone so attractive and important for many people.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Chinese Cinderella Extended Response

The novel ‘Chinese Cinderella’ is an autobiography written by Adeline Yen Mah, describing her childhood and younger teenage years as an unwanted daugther. Unlike most children, Adeline had a difficult time growing up. All throughout her life she was bullied and looked down upon by most of her family. At a young age Adeline is constantly being left behind by her family, leaving her to feel like the unwanted daughter. Throughout the whole novel, Adeline is looked down at and is never acknowledged for her hard work â€Å"Nobody was there to pat my head or congratulate me†¦Ã¢â‚¬  page 17.Adeline’s Father, who is a wealthy businessman, has a small role in the book. This is because Niang seems to be the ‘head of house’. Whenever he is involved, he seems to not care, he is often forgetful or simply uninterested about her, admitting to Adeline â€Å"I have forgotten your Chinese name†¦ † page 140. Even by her siblings Adeline is abused or m istreated, â€Å"But then Mama died giving birth to you. If you had not been born, Mama would still be alive. She’ died because of you. â€Å"You are bad luck. † page 3. †¦He took my right arm under the table and gave it a quick hard twist. † page 10. Although Adeline tries her best to please her father and siblings she is continually being rejected by them. Adeline was looked down on and hated by her family, especially by Niang, who was the hardest to please, throughout Chinese Cinderella, it shows that Niang was never happy with Adeline â€Å"You don’t deserve to be housed and fed here. Girls like you should be sent away† page 113. Niang physically abuses Adeline by hitting her, kicking her, slapping her.Adeline is always left miserable, lonely and feeling helpless and afraid. One day, Adeline’s classmates had discreetly followed her home, hoping to give her a surprise party. Instead, they heard Niang beating and screaming at her, â⠂¬Å"Liar! You planned it, didn’t you, to show off our house to your penniless classmates. How dare you! † page 127. â€Å"I realised Niang’s blows must have caused a nosebleed, and that my face was probably smeared with a mixture of blood, mucus and tears†¦I felt naked and ghastly and vulnerable. † page 129.Niang continues abuse Adeline despite her doing nothing wrong she was unloved by Niang and alone with nobody there to support her. Adeline was different. Her family were the ones who put a label on her and her friends all realised that she was different. She is an unwanted daughter â€Å"†¦despised daughter publicly rejected by her parents. † page 133. Although Adeline is a smart girl going to expensive schools, she does not fit in very well with her classmates. This is because Adeline â€Å"†¦neither receives eggs or visits† â€Å"†¦rushing around in that infantile brown dress. page 194. In chapter 18 is shows that Ad eline hates being â€Å"the object of anyone’s charity or pity† Page 195. Even though it is clear Adeline and her classmates were never really on the same level of friendship. Back in the primary school in Shanghai, Adeline where tried hard to fit in with her classmates, She befriended Wu Chun-Mei who quickly became her best friend, the only one she had during primary. In conclusion all through Adeline’s life Niang shows multiple times through the book that Adeline is not a loved child in her family.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Will be given Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Will be given - Essay Example Many questions remain unanswered in this mysterious collapse of the financial market and slump it the Kaisa shares overnight. Critical evaluation of this article offers an insight into the concepts that support sustainable economic growth and financial security of the market. China is noted as having ambiguous legal structures that fail to disclose the reality of existing market trend to foreign investors. Besides, cases of corruption and unclear source of the wealth of Guo Yingcheng explains the sudden collapse of this firm. There are several lessons that are learnt from this scenario. For a multinational like Kaisa which deals in such capital intensive investment, integrity and reliability of its founder is paramount. In the case of Kaisa and the financial curse that befell it, a combination of the government weak policies on corruption and the firm’s internal legal and ethical structures contributed to the tragedy. The concept of overcapitalization against diminishing demand can equally be attributed to the claims against Kaisa as explored in this article. It is therefore important to undertake m ultidimensional approach while establishing investment

Introduction to business law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Introduction to business law - Coursework Example It can be gleaned from the communications made by herein parties their intention to enter into a contract. Under s.64 of Restatement, acceptance given by telephone or other medium of substantially instantaneously two-way communication is governed by the principles applicable to acceptances where the parties are in the presence of each other. Hence, if Eddie had intended to revoke the contract, he should have manifested the same on Tuesday. In the case of Megalift v Terminals [2009] NSWSC 324, the court ruled that both parties were already in negotiation, discussing terms and details such as transportation and delivery. These conversations involved quotations and although no fixed price was agreed upon, it was nonetheless a contract, which was legally binding. Moreover, her Honour disregarded the quotation for the purpose of a budget only. This did not prevent the parties from contracting. Answer to question # 2. Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA) places a number of restrictions on the contract terms businesses can agree to. Specifically, it lays down rules for the ways in which vendor businesses can use exclusion clauses to limit liability in certain areas. (Business Link, Buyers' terms and conditions and unfair contract terms). The business selling the goods or services isn't allowed to exclude liability for: death or injury - under any circumstances, losses caused by negligence - unless to do so is 'reasonable' and defective or poor quality goods - unless to do so is 'reasonable' (Ibid.) Liability for negligence that causes other types of damage are subjected to a test for â€Å"reasonableness† (Alistaire 2009, Exclusion clauses and unfair contract terms Part  2). S.2(1) of the UCTA states that â€Å"A person cannot by reference to any contract term or to a notice given to persons generally or to particular persons exclude or restrict his liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence.† Under s2(1) no one acting in the cou rse of a business can exclude or restrict his liability in negligence for death or personal injury by means of a term in a contract or by way of notice (Law Teacher 2011, Exclusion and Limiting Clauses). Bambi cannot make reference to the notice on the desk that excludes or restricts its liability in case of claim for damages resulting from its negligence. UCTA is the main statutory provision, which regulates exclusion clauses and can either render a term effective, ineffective or subject to the test of reasonableness. It applies to business liability as between businesses or a business and a consumer. Therefore, if parties are not acting in the course of a business, say for example a contract between two private individuals, they can exclude liability. UCTA applies to exclusion clauses in the course of a business in three situations:1. Negligence 2. Consumer 3. Standard Term Contracts (Gillhams Lawyers 2008, Business and Commercial Contract Terms). Negligence is failure to use reas onable care. It is the doing of something which a reasonably prudent person would not do, or the failure to do something, which a reasonably prudent person would do under like circumstances. It is a departure from what an ordinary

Monday, August 12, 2019

Literature Review Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Literature Review - Research Paper Example s to technological impact in determining social change, it is held that technology sometimes depends on social forces and at other times it functions in an independent manner in disregard to social objections. The idea of ‘technological determinism’ had its birth in the continent of Europe. However, with the advent of technological research in United States of America the concept of ‘technological determinism’ started gaining ground in that country. The spread of American Revolution emphasized on the growth of a liberal and prosperous society. However, it is found that the proponents of increased social prosperity and liberty through the spread of industrial revolution suffered from the fear of malpractices. They viewed that the process of steady industrialization to gain material prosperity if mishandled would lead to corruption. The effect of corruption in turn would tarnish moral fabric of the political and social sector of the economy. (Heilbroner, 1994) The implementation of advanced forms of technology creates a considerable impact in shaping social structures and organizational dynamics of both the historical and present society. In the modern context, it is found that the rapid spread of high combat technology to developing countries of the world is creating increased tensions in the social circles. It is widely viewed in this regard that such rapid spreading of war technologies to the hands of developing nations would turn into a factor difficult to be governed. Thus, it would become detrimental to the existence of the entire human race. In this regards, it is recommended to understand the effect of technology not in isolation to social systems but rather as a tool used by human beings to innovate newer process and systems. Further observation suggests that war technology used in both developed and developing countries have dual social implications. On one side, it is found that technological innovation in the war front is a product of human

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Big box stores vs mom and pop stores Assignment - 1

Big box stores vs mom and pop stores - Assignment Example Each restaurant offers something different than the other and so they are free to select whatever price they like for their products. Examples of Monopolies include public utilities like water, gas and electricity, cable TV, the local phone service companies. Important to note, that monopolies can exist in a market locally due to their geographical locations. Entry into a market where monopolies exist is quite difficult by new businesses since the large firms have larger market shares and there is not much left for the new companies in the market both in terms of buyers and profits. Competition is directly related to the methods and procedures by which the companies produce and sell their products. Different market structures are found in different industries which imply that there are different kinds of buyer to seller relations in every market. In a monopolist firm, they are able to increase or reduce the prices of their products (due to product differentiation), however, they cannot do so with full liberty, they have to abide by the unfriendly forces of the market. Sellers’ rivalry against each other involves sales-promotion costs along with the expenses of differentiating their products in order to attract customers. As a result, buyers get more variety in the products but in the long run the products prices involve the additional costs involved. Since the sellers in a monopolistic competitive market are not likely to be equally flourishing in their product policies and sales promotion, some of them will be successful in achieving profits exceeding t he basic interest on their investment, such profits will be earned from the buyers that have been attracted. (Karier, 241) The market and the monopolist’s demand curves are found to be the same. Demand of the monopoly is the demand of the industry and hence illustrated by a downward curve. However, the

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Emerging Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Emerging Technologies - Essay Example Here, it becomes possible to document, store, maintain, access and share information in just a blink of an eye. As names, cases, profiles, offenses, fingerprints and other data are entered into a digital library, they can be accessed by law enforcers through networked computer terminals, regardless of location and time. Furthermore, computing technology provides for intelligent applications that could classify information into an organized database - a feat that could take years and huge manpower to accomplish. Specific technologies that are increasingly being utilized today especially for solving cold cases include the DNA technology and the advanced DNA database systems. This partnership resulted in the establishment of the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) - a computer network that links the forensic DNA laboratories on all levels from local, state to the federal level. The capability of the CODIS is astounding. In the event a DNA profile is extracted from a crime scene and entere d into the database, the system automatically launches a search among thousands of criminal profiles for possible match. Law enforcers have been successful using CODIS. For instance, there was the case of rape with murder in Austin, which could have left unsolved because there were no witnesses and the killer-rapist used gloves and condom during the assault. What happened was that, when he tied his victim, he had to grab an end of the cord with his mouth, so his saliva was deposited and eventually examined, leading to the identification of the perpetrator and the successful prosecution. (Justice Department, p. 2) There are also the softwares called â€Å"data mining† applications. Many police investigators are increasingly using this technology to identify the crime patterns that matches them to potential suspects. This is being done by analyzing the behavioral patterns of criminals that allows for the profiling of suspects, helpful in recognizing the identification of suspec ts that matches the computer’s working profile. Siegel also cited the use of computerized imaging systems that gradually replace mug books as well as the use of three-dimensional drawings in investigating and evaluating crime scenes. This latter is important because it enables investigators to visualize positional relationship of evidences. Cybercrime Computing technology, however, could prove to be a double-edged sword. The sophistication it offers to law enforcers is also made available to criminals. For example, when information is stored in a centralized database, the ease of access can benefit those who want to exploit information for criminal purposes. For example, a criminal can use the technology to embezzle funds or modify information that could lead to the wrong apprehension of criminals or tamper with evidence. Information technology can also enable criminals to kill people through the tampering of medical records that could result in wrong diagnosis or treatment. Then, there are those cases that involve theft of trade secret, financial reports, sensitive information, and so on. Clearly, one sees how the list of computer-aided crimes is growing as well. Another important problem that technology poses for law enforcers is the internationalization of crime. Through the networked computer terminals, criminals can operate globally without any difficulty, with the ease of

Friday, August 9, 2019

Importance of design in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Importance of design in business - Essay Example It is important that design is defined in a different way by every firm and this definition changes from industry to industry as well. Every process in the business organizations start with an idea or design, all the practical as well as management issues are solved with the help of design. Therefore, it is also referred as the problem solving mechanism for the business organizations (Peter, 2004). The vitality of the design can be evaluated for the business by taking a brief overview of the role of design and design thinking in the successful development of a firm. The following section entails an outline of the role and importance of design in for business. Design retains the vital importance in the success of the business organizations as it forms the basis of all the products and services offered by these organizations in the market. Which product is required by the consumers and what services are not available in the market? In which form the product will be more attractive for the target customers? How the services and the quality of product can be improved in order to enhance the profitability, competitive advantage and market share of the firm? Answer to all these questions is found through the process of design in the business organizations (Peter, 2004). Therefore, successful design is acknowledged as the basic strategy for the success of the firms in the marketplace. Design is the product of methods and mindsets, it is widely accepted that the same methods and mindsets which can come up with the idea of an object of desire may also act as tools for the enhancement of the existing services or products. According to Heather (2009), the vitality of design can be appraised from the fact that it also forms the basis of the business itself. Every business or firm is the output of an idea or design, the same process which