Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tesco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Tesco - Essay Example The personal details play a crucial role as the company can be able to link them with the purchases made in the stores. Such strength indicates that the company values their customers since they inquire for personal details about the customers. Another significant strength of Tesco lies in its workforce; the employees of the organization tend to be friendly and treat the customers warmly (John 2004, p. 105). The global reach of Tesco can also be regarded as a remarkable strength of the company; Tesco has its stores spread all over several countries, and this can be regarded as a significant achievement. The spread of the stores enables the organization to secure large customer base compared to its competitors. Reasonable prices can also be regarded as strength of Tesco; this makes the customers to flock the stores of the organization (John 2004, p. 110). Offering best and affordable prices have been central to the organization’s success. The success of Tesco can be attributed to its strengths in terms of the wide range of products dealt with by the organization. The organization spread its products to include consumer products such as CD players, music players, computers, as well as other products such as hot cakes. ... products, which may expire; for example, products such as fruits, vegetables, salads, and sandwiches have to be sold before the expiry date (John 2004, p. 113). A look at the opportunities of Tesco indicates that the company has embraced the use of new technology in its operations. Tesco has seized the opportunities accorded by new technology as the company has adopted mass customization as a marketing strategy. The organization also offers both online and in-store shopping; therefore, customers can purchase the commodities they want at the comfort of their homes. The organization also gets favored by the EU laws due to its notable presence in the UK (John 2004, p. 118). One of the threats of the organization stems from the competition by companies such as Wal-Mart and Sainsbury. The company also faces the threat of venturing in new markets where other competitors might have established a strong market base. Possible Solutions In order to counter the challenges faced by the organizat ion, Tesco can adopt several changes in terms of its operations. First, the organization should strive towards improving its marketing plan and making it better than it is. For example, the company can introduce virtual stores, which will enable quick delivery of products to customers. This can play a crucial role in enhancing faster delivery of the products and increasing the organization’s sales (Rothwell 1998, p. 3). Another change that Tesco needs to institute includes looking for reliable suppliers in Denmark who will supply vegetables, fresh fruits, milk, bread, and meat. This stems from the fact that it may be extremely impossible to import such products from the United Kingdom owing to the high costs, which would be incurred by suppliers. Tesco has to adapt to the various demands

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